PinMyLocation push pin logo
PinMyLocation is a website allowing you to share your location with others.
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Maps are allow you to share your journey with others. Whether it be while you are out on a hike, driving cross-country, or you wish to keep your clients up to date with your location. Whatever it may be PinMyLocation allows you to keep everyone in the loop. Do not wish to share your location to anyone with a link? No problem, you can optionally make your map visible to only you. You can always change your visibility settings later.

Device Mockup created from Google Pixel 6 mockups
Any time you wish to add your current location to a map simply create a pin. It's simple, open the map you wish to pin, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the "Create a new pin" form, give your new pin a name, and press the blue "Pin my location" button. If your device prompts you to share your location with PinMyLocation, you must allow it to create a pin at your current location. It is recommended to add a pin from a mobile device, in most cases a mobile device will give a more accurate geolocation than a desktop or laptop.

Device Mockup created from Google Pixel 6 mockups
Display Name
By default PinMyLocation will use the name associated with the account provider you signed in with (Google,...), if you signed up using the email and password registration option by default PinMyLocation will use your email address as your display name. You can change your display name at anytime from the "My Profile" menu.

Device Mockup created from Google Pixel 6 mockups
Click here to view the sample map!
This project was created by Daniel Fitzgerald @